Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Get Thee to a Punnery

Ch-ch-check it out! Sample columns!

I got a spot on the paper. Freddy Mercury and I are singing "We Are the Champions" together, right now. I am going to tentatively posit that no one else submitted an application, given the weird shit that I submitted, but whatev, bro. I'm gonna have me some real published work.

So now I need a name for my column (I am assuming that I get to name it myself) (I hope) (I have no idea how this sort of thing works).

The first thing that popped into my head was the title of this post, which I think says a lot about me. Hilarious, right? Oy gevalt. And then I googled it, and guess what-- my terribly nerdy joke wasn't even original.

Right now, I'm leaning towards "Word is Bond" or maybe, like, "You Feel Shame."

I like to focus on inconsequential details, it's just how I do.

(like Doogie, but... not)

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